In Black and White is an online gallery of black and white images made by the Australian photographer Bradley Cummings.

As a professional photographer most of my images are made for clients in the corporate world. Often those images require a lot of equipment and time, and they are usually shot to meet a specific brief.

But what I love to do when I’m not photographing for clients is to shoot images of a very different style. I love working in black and white, usually in a square format, and often with just a simple digital camera or with medium-format film cameras.

And that’s the whole point of this gallery. These images are my responses to the moments, situations, and places in which I have found myself. This gallery is an outlet for the way that I see the world.

Making these photographs has given me immense pleasure and I would like to think that some of them will resonate with you too. I hope you enjoy looking at them.

